Company Name |
Michael Snowhite |
Contact Name |
Snowhite |
Business Phone |
8186424235 |
Fax |
- |
Website |
Not Displayed |
Address |
21550 Oxnard St. Suite 460
21550 Oxnard St. Suite 460,
Woodland Hills, CA,
91367 |
Mobile Phone |
- |
Business Overview |
Michael Snowhite has been assisting educators, seniors and boomers throughout southern California for the past 17 years. He has been helping people make better choices with their finances. Michael Snowhite is an expert in helping retirees and pre-retirees with preserving assets, reducing taxes and increasing income. Michael Snowhite lives in Thousand Oaks California with his loving wife Jeanne, his 6 year old son Joshua Michael, 3 year old son Nicholas Steven and his German Shepherd Sugar. Michael's wife is also a Financial Advisor and his business partner.

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